Thank you for visiting Mathews Natural Fed Beef. We hope you'll take some time to browse around our page and learn a little bit about who we are, what we do, and why we believe in both. It's our goal to raise the highest quality beef so that when you and your family sit down at the dinner table, you know you're providing them with the best tasting, healthiest, and most enjoyable meal possible. We view our cattle a little different than many producers, and that is why they are raised and fed the way they are. They receive the necessary medication, but we don't use steroids or growth hormones.   We believe our cattle will grow just fine on the right feed, and with enough space to get the needed exercise to produce quality meat. We know that not everybody will share our view, but that is what makes this a great country. At the end of the day we want you to know where and how your meat was raised, and we believe with that knowledge you’ll feel very comfortable about serving our beef to your kids, or the whole neighborhood over a good BBQ.

-Seth Mathews